Sunday, December 29, 2013


today, i am overwhelmed by the image of my grandmother laying lifeless in the hospital bed they installed in her home 3 days before her passing.  it's so surreal.  i can't think of a time i had ever been so sad, felt like i had no control, been so scared, or felt so helpless in my life.

she passed on her birthday, November 4, 2013.  i had originally planned the day off to spend with her and my cousin; hoping to bake her a cake and cook dinner for her.  instead, i had to leave work early the friday prior to get to her quick because she had taken a turn for the worse. 

when i arrived, she sat slumped over on the couch in pain, but she managed to say "hey baby girl!" when i walked in.  i said "hey maga," when i walked in, but i was on a mission - i had to go buy sheets for the hospital bed that was being delivered in a few short hours, i had to go grocery shopping, i had to speak with hospice, i had to prepare myself mentally for what was to come that entire weekend.  when the nurse arrived, she spoke to my aunt and i about medications, comfort kits, how to keep maga comfortable, portable commodes, diapers, bed pads, bed sores, water-based lotions for her face, oxygen levels, nebulizer treatments...and finally "if she passes this weekend" suggestions - funeral homes, don't call the police or the fire department, DNR, "if she passes this weekend," "if she passes this weekend," "if she passes this weekend."  do you have any idea how badly i wanted to tell this woman to shut up?!?!?!  there was no way, she had broken her clavicle, THAT was causing the pain...NOT the cancer.  this was not happening this weekend.  finally, after all of her "what if's," i asked how POSSIBLE AND PROBABLE it was that she would pass.  "It's possible, but not probable."  at that moment, the difference between possible and probable did not matter, "possible" and all of it's innuendos flooded my brain and i went into mental overdrive.  "If anyone wants to see her, they need to come now."  alright then, we'll just fill the house with a few hundred people so they can say their last no.  hospital bed arrived, portable commode arrived, and we got maga into the bed.

stephanie (little cousin) arrived and i probably should have prepared her for what she was walking into, but i really hadn't thought about that.  go me, right.  i had been taking pictures of maga every time we went to visit, because i wanted to see the progression...i mean, 6 months is a decent (well, not even close to decent, but i had accepted 6 months) amount of time and i wanted to record everything i could...but i did not show stephanie how bad it had gotten.  when she walked in those doors i had to sit down and numb myself up, because i knew within about 2 minutes she was going to come back out of that front door bawling her eyes out.  and she did.  i think that was the time i was meant to be most strong?  maybe, i don't know.  so we sat outside for a while, her crying and me staring into the street, holding her hand and quietly sending prayers out into the void, hoping some force would oblige.

after visits, cooking, trying to keep maga hydrated and fed, moving her from bed to commode and back to bed several times, holding her hand, changing her clothes, and more visits, Carter came to visit.  as soon as he walked in she lit up like the Northern Lights.  the maga i have always known.  she couldn't really muster up the strength to move, but she spoke to Carter, told us to get him a drink, some food...always hospitable, my sweet Maga.  soon the hospice nurse would arrive to insert the catheter (every time we moved her from bed to commode to bed we hurt her...this was the next step), but she wasn't really aware of much else other than Carter was sitting at the foot of her bed. nurse arrives, Carter departs, catheter is in, Maga is in pain. but ALAS! she whispered to steph that she was hungry. she hadn't eaten in days! when i heard that, i threw on my shoes (don't mind that i had basically been wearing the same clothes all weekend), asked Maga if she wanted shrimp salad (her fav) and she said so normally, "that sounds wonderful! i'd like that." i was in that car in 2 seconds flat and back in about 15 minutes. however, when i got back, she had fallen asleep. i figured she was worn out by the catheter insertion - any kind of movement exhausted her - so i held her hand, kissed her forehead, and put the salad in the fridge.

hours passed, she still hadn't woken up. i was starting to get worried, but kept telling myself "she's just tired, she'll wake up." more time passed, still sleeping. her breathing had changed so i filled the nebulizer with albuterol, held it up to her mouth, and let her just breathe it in. the nurse DID say that the nebulizer treatments would buy her more time and that the morphine would allow more oxygen to the brain. those things ran through my mind every time i made a move. dinner time came, still sleeping. panic was starting to set in, but if you know me at all, thats pretty normal. i'm such a worrier. we all cooked and talked, i was watching my Maga, silently begging her to hold on. we ate, cleaned up, sat down...still sleeping. i grabbed a chair and my crochet materials, planted myself next to her and crocheted a bit, talked with steph, called people...anything really to keep my mind off of what i knew was happening but couldn't quite admit to myself. around 11:45 pm I had moved to the floor next to her hospital bed, where i slept all weekend. i can't recall what was on the TV, for i was focused on the sound of her breathing, which had worsened. i stayed awake as long as i could...but i fell asleep.

i don't know what woke me up...the sound of her not breathing anymore, her spirit, the hum of the oxygen machine...but i woke up at 12:32 am on November 4, 2013. my eyes shot open, i looked at my phone, saw the time, shot up with the most insane amount of panic you could ever imagine feeling, to see a lifeless Maga. no breathing, no groaning, no moving. cold hands, blue lips, head tilted to the right. looking back with a rational mind, she looked peaceful...but in that moment, i was struck with guilt for falling asleep, for not being there to hold her sweet hand until her last breath. it was the most horrific moment of my life, to date. i touched her, panicked, screamed, and starting crying hysterically. thankfully, steph was calm and collective, she kept telling "she's not in pain, Kel. she's in a better place. she knows you love her, it's ok, calm down." but i couldn't. even now thinking about it, i cry uncontrollably.

the hospice nurse came in, removed the catheter, sat with us, talked to us, and waited for the funeral home director to come retrieve Maga and take her away.

i relive that weekend just about everyday. maybe i'm nuts, but i don't know how to stop it. i don't know when i'll be all the way ok. some days are better - i think about how funny she was, how strong she was, all of the good memories. others are terrible - i think about how i shouldn't have fallen asleep, i should have visited more, wrote her more emails, called her more often. i keep praying for forgiveness, praying for help to stop beating myself up...i haven't felt either yet.

i had to type it out, so that i could read it.  it took me about a month to write this. maybe that will help?

have a good day. cherish the ones you love. don't belittle their existence. don't take them for granted.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

a new season

a few things happened in the very few hours that i've been alert and awake this morning: 1.) i decided i wanted to start blogging again; 2.) i thought about how trying that would be because i can barely remember to take my vitamins every morning; 3.) i told myself to shut the fuck up because i can do whatever i want; 4.) i discovered that although decaf coffee doesn't taste any different than regular to me, it doesn't wake me up as efficiently, if at all; 5.) i had some pretty tasty egg/cheese/hashbrown casserole but realized what kind of predicament i would be in around 9:30 am; and 6.) decided to start being a better me.

over the past (almost) three years i've done a lot of changing, searching, finding...but i've also stayed the same in that i cannot, for the life of me, shake bad feelings about myself.  more often than not i think about all of the negative in my life (which is not a lot, might i add) and i beat myself up about where i'm not at my age, as opposed to where i'm going - because thats all that really maters.  who likes a negative nancy?!?  not even me, which explains why i'm putting myself through hell about it all.  its literally a vicious cycle.  i think about how shitty things are when things don't go my way, then i realize that things are amazing and i need to man up, and then i start beating myself up about even thinking things were shitty in the first place.  well folks.  that stops now.  or at least i am going to start stopping...does that make sense?!

did mention that i read a blog this morning, as well?  it's the very thing that inspired me to come out of my blog drought and give you as much of my disorganized thoughts as possible.  my dear friend courtney texted (okay my computer is telling me that "texted" is not a word, but i think it is, because it is the past tense form of the verb "text" and i just went on way too long for something that didn't even need to be mentioned) me a link to a blog about a bear head yesterday.  it was.  AMAZING.  i laughed and smiled inside and out because it reminded me of myself when i'm at my best.  when i don't care what people think.  so i kept reading.  the last post i read is what inspired me the most.  there's just something about reading someone else's struggles (that really sounds depressing, but its not at all) that inspires me.  so instead of harping on what i've done wrong up to this point in my life, i'm going start looking at everything as a great experience.  after all, each one of those fuck-ups has brought me to where i am now and has made me who i am now.  as she put it - i'm going to start "celebrating my small victories and scratch out all the things that make me unable to see them without shame".  you should try it too...every day.  make a list of all the things you've done in a day, focus on the good, and scratch out the bad.

until next time....<3

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

falling off

when i say i "fell off", i don't mean in the worst way possible, so please don't sit back and think i've just gone back to eating meat and eating bon bons and cake and ice cream every day.  i still eat relatively healthy...i HAVE, however, indulged in a little more chocolate lately. WHATEVER IT'S MY TIME OF THE MONTH DON'T GIVE ME SHIT!  i have to live with the consequences, not you.  and believe me, its definitely weighing on me mentally.  i've been doing so well and i'm so disappointed in myself for being so below par with my diet and exercise habits these past 3 weeks.  i actually haven't gained any weight, which is a blessing...but i haven't lost any either, which is....well its not really a curse.  i guess its just mehhh.  i've got to step it up though.  so here is what i suggest when you fall off of your routine:


drink tons and tons of water.  i started drinking those 101.4 oz bottles of Deer Park last week.  its so awesome, but it's also a little intimidating.  i've found, though, that i start kind of racing against my mind in drinking it.  the more water that disappears from the bottle, the more excited i get, and in turn i drink more and more until its all gone.  awesome.

Eat Tasty Healthy Food

if you have a Trader Joe's around you, take a trip one day and explore all they have to offer.  i found some Crispy Jeju Mandarin Orange Slices the other day....WHEW CHILD!!!  delicious!  and THEE WHOLE BAG is only 110 calories (SAY WHAT?!).  start putting more seasoning into the plain and mundane.  you'd be surprised at just how delicious something so boring can be.  for example, i've have grits every morning this week, but each day they've been seasoned differently.  monday, my boyfriend put scrambled tofu, green and red peppers, and carrots in them.  yesterday (tues.) he put imitation chicken bouillon (vegan) and  daiya vegan jack cheese.  and today he put garlic and basil in them.  to be honest i never thought about doing that...i usually eat my grits with earth balance and little bit of salt.  crazy that something i'm so used to being so boring can be so awesome!  

i also have been using bulgur wheat to sub for my tofu sometimes - i've been using it in my nacho salads lately, which is ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!

step outside of your food comfort zone for once, i promise its worth it.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

i think we all know that when we surround ourselves with negative people we tend to be more negative.  i know that's a fact for me.  i lay on the couch, watch tv a lot more (i barely watch tv, i hate it actually, but that's a-whole-nother story), I EAT TERRIBLE.  it's like no matter what you do, when you are around someone that is unhappy or negative or just lazy, it rubs off on you.  get around happy people!  active people!  positive people!  you will be so motivated to do better when you are around people that are actively BEING BETTER.

Stick Yourself in Nature

i've found that when i'm in an exercise rut that nature kind of helps puts me back into my place.  take a long walk, feed the ducks, garden, pick flowers, or even JUST BREATHE IN SOME FRESH AIR.  being connected with nature is just so uplifting, it always motivates me to do and be better (because really, i KNOW better).


and no, i don't mean by PUKING, you freakazoid.  go through your home and chuck things that you just don't use anymore.  got a ton of clothes in your closet that you haven't worn in about a year?  GOODWILL!  i recently went through my closet and bagged up some clothes to take the to the goodwill, and it just feels so nice to get rid of things.  i'm so used to recycling my clothes year after year and just accessorizing with jewelry or jackets and cardigans...but when i cleaned out my closet and got rid of things that i don't use anymore i just felt so invigorated.

there are so many more things you can do, but you have to know yourself :)  you've got to know what strikes that spark in you.  GET TO IT!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


i'm currently in a Greek Mythology class, and i've been learning about heroes.  according to Joseph Campbell, the journey of hero includes removing him/herself from their comfort zone, encountering challenges/triumphs, and returning home wiser/stronger.

i don't know about anyone else, but i do that myself.  its a huge part of growth, in my opinion.  and it all ties into enjoying your own company, or at least learning to.  there are times when i just feel like i need to get away from everything and everyone and just be alone to ponder, explore, learn, grow, and mature.  and when i come back around i'm wiser, stronger, happier, and in a better state of mind.  its healthy, normal. 

but here is my question - why does everyone expect us to let them know when this is happening?  it's a very personal thing that happens when you grow mentally/spiritually.  not only are you building a better relationship with yourself, you are becoming more connected with LIFE; with God (or whatever higher being you believe in), nature, your surroundings.  i personally don't feel like i need to send a mass text to everyone that says "HEY GUYS, JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW I'M GOING TO BE QUIET FOR HOWEVER LONG BECAUSE I HAVE SOME PERSONAL GROWTH TO DO."  it's really nobody's business, and we don't have to explain ourselves to anyone.

with all of that said, try to take a look at the people in your life in a different light.  everyone has their own issues to work out and get through.  stop asking questions, let them come to you if they want.  and by continuing to pry, you are pushing that person away from you.  SOMETIMES YOU JUST AREN'T NEEDED.

have a great day.  

Monday, March 25, 2013

this is a list of things that i like.

my boyfriend
back rubs
the smell of gain - except for that apple mango scent
hazelnut ANYTHING
green peppers
tazo passion tea - unsweetened always and forever
my redskins tervis cup
baron clay d'artagnan julius ravenclaw smith
my camera - sebastian
my iphone
writing - when i feel like it
red solo cups
bright colors
the girl brown bag from the dollar store with all of those awesome toys in it
nags head
the beach - any beach
the stars
the moon
genuine people
pink highlighters
the smell of fall
binders - but not the mitt romney kind
being on time - but that rarely happens
Christmas time - everyone is always so much nicer
yankee candles
clean sheets
freshly shaved legs
a good nail polish
frank sinatra
dolce & gabbana light blue - my scent
victoria's secret
gap jeans
post-it notes
my friends
my momma
running - just started with this, going alright for right now
losing weight
the truth - EVEN IF IT SUCKS
the movie "Love Actually"
cooking with my family
my Maga
driving with no real destination
anything Apple
typing on a brand new keyboard - the keys sound so awesome
speaking in a british accent
being good at my job
proving people wrong

Friday, March 22, 2013

trainer mike....not too shabby

so, after talking with a few friends, i decided to go to Trainer Mike to further my flabbiness reduction process.  i made the call (well, text...who calls anymore, right?  lol), and i'll tell you what, i was so afraid he was going to be a jerkoff.  i was scared he was going to run my ass into the ground, push me harder than i could handle, make me do exercises i hadn't ever heard my surprise, it was all the opposite.  i walked into his gym, and he was working with a few other people, so he greeted me and told me to hold on while he finished up with them.  i thought that was nice, he didn't want to take his attention away from the people he was working with.  after he finished up, he had me sign a waiver (basically saying that if i get hurt under his supervision that i couldn't call the Mob and get them to come hurt him...or sue him lol).  i had told him earlier this week that i kind of wanted to work out alone - i get so nervous around people like that...i think its because i feel more vulnerable in my yoga pants and sports bra - so he made sure everyone else was out before we started (although, he did do this very subtly).  and he worked out with me the whole time.  made sure i understood what muscles were being worked, how the exercise would help my body, and he made sure i was doing the exercises correctly.  he danced around while i was taking my breathers, talked to me...just made me feel really comfortable.  it motivated me to push myself harder.  like, to the max.  and i didn't feel weird or awkward, and that made me want to work harder too.  it was just all around a great experience.


Monday, March 18, 2013

accept what is :)

i just want to emphasize that normal people don't go around destroying other human beings. with that said, if someone is treating you like a bag of flaming dog shit, try your damnedest to not let it get to you.  don't take it personal.  it's not you, it's them.  this may sound crazy, but accept what is.  accept that they will be tortured by karma one day for all of this, not you.  accept that they have the issue, and you are just the receiver, that's IT.  and if you're lucky enough, the universe will bless you with being able to witness karma coming back and biting them in the ass.

when you start to tell yourself "accept what is", you'll start to notice you're more peaceful.  don't get me wrong, it's very difficult and it takes practice and patience, but start by doing it with every situation - work, traffic, when your kids defy you, when your roommate uses your deodorant (??? lol idk lemme alone), when your mom asks when you're going to give her grandbabies, when you get bad news, when you stub your toe, when your hair just won't work for you...ACCEPT WHAT IS.  i promise you will be happier, calmer, and more peaceful.

have a good monday, and accept what is :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013


since i've decided to take the "go veg" plunge, i've mostly been sticking to….i guess you could say its processed….vegetarian foods.  e.g. light life products, tofurky, morning star, quorn, and gardein.  HOW-WEH-WUR, yesterday i ventured out to newport news (i usually stay away from that side of the water) and went to trader joe's.  1.) that place is amazing.  2.) i bought dark chocolate covered edamame….SON.  anyway, i got a couple things of organic baked tofu.  savory and teriyaki flavored to be exact.  and tonight was the first time i ever cooked using tofu O.O  it was interesting, but really neat at the same time.  i'd never eaten tofu, like…just eating tofu as my main meat portion of my meal.  it was delicious!  the boyfriend has been helping me with this transition, and as soon as i'm ready, he's going to be giving me more recipes for tofu :D i can't wait!

it's crazy how far i've come with this lifestyle change.  a couple years ago, i probably would have gagged at the thought of eating just plain tofu.  i've always liked veggie burgers and things like that, but tofu?  dude, i would have throat judo-chopped anyone that suggested tofu instead of steak, k?!  but knowing what soy does to my body PHYSIOLOGICALLY, i WANT to eat it.  and i've seen the change!  i feel it, see it, and love it.

to give you a little background, i have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), which means that 1.) i don't ovulate regularly; 2.) i have more androgens than estrogen (which causes the irregular ovulation); 3.) it has deemed me insulin resistant (my addiction to chocolate and bread does not help me there); 4.) the insulin resistance alone causes a weight gain around my midsection, which explains the thinner limbs -_- and 5.) the extra androgens cause me to have more hair in places that a woman shouldn't have dark hair (my neck, arms, stomach, lower back….yeah, paints a pretty picture, huh?)  it's whatever, i don't' care anymore.  anyway, well soy has phytoestrogens in it, which attach to estrogen receptors and acts as a hormone treatment replacement for women who are menopausal, and for women that have issues such as i do.

because i've transitioned to vegetarian, i've been consuming a lot of soy.  well this month was my first exactly 30 day cycle!  i don't care who you are, thats freaking fabulous.  my PMS symptoms were even way better than they usually are.  normally, the first sign of PMS for me is "I WANT CHOCOLATE AND CHEESE!!!!!"  so terrible, but that's how it be.  this time, i just……started……and i was so surprised, but i also knew that it was because of my recent increase of soy intake.  its really awesome to know that what you're doing is going to cause a change….but to actually see it happen, and FEEL IT happen, is a completely different experience.  i feel so awesome about it, and its weird but i can't really share it with certain people bc its about…dun dun dun…FLO.  but whatever, its natural, all women go through it.

anywho, thats my gross story for the week.  time to hit the sack so i can wake up and slave for the man tomorrow.  SIGH.  go veg!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

lonely vs. being alone

throughout my journey of growth over the past couple years, i have endured a lot of trials and tribulations.  some days, i would experience so many emotions its a wonder they didn't radiate off of my skin.  i'd go from content to sad to okay to happy to joyous to irate to depressed to tunnel vision furious back to content again in a matter of 3 minutes and 27 seconds sometimes.  i had to do it alone, too, did i mention that yet?  a lot of the people that care about me wanted me to just be happy.  "that part of your life is over!", "thank god you got away from that!", and "i don't understand why you are so sad, he treated you so should be happy you're out of that," and "that's all you talk about to me, don't you have anything to talk about?"  but what everyone failed to realize was that he and my marriage to him were all i knew as an adult, and most of my adolescence.  i was with him for 10 years.  that's a lot to walk away from and be fine with leaving behind.  a part of my life had ended, i needed support and love; but honestly, i never really got that.  so, essentially, i had to go through all of this alone, no guidance, no outlets, nothing.  i wasn't really fine with it, quite frankly...but looking back, i am EXTREMELY thankful that i didn't have many people to count on; i learned out to sweep up the pieces, glue them back together, and keep them in place on my own.  i learned how to hold myself accountable.  i learned that i am truly the only person i can really trust.  i learned that i really am my own worst enemy.  i learned that being alone is OK.  i learned that in order to appreciate and value someone else's company, you must first enjoy your own.  sure, sometimes i wish i had someone around just to talk to, but i am never, EVER lonely.  i thoroughly enjoy my own company.  i like to read, research, crochet, draw, doodle, listen to music, and just THINK when i have time to myself.  actually, sometimes i purposely isolate myself from people so that i can revisit all of those things, to remind myself to appreciate ME.

KNOW THE DIFFERENCE, PEOPLE.  being alone does not have to = being lonely.  get to know yourselves, you will find that you can also be your very best friend.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

rebellious ways

I was having a conversation with a friend last night about why people stay in their current lifestyle situations. I was telling her how, after much research, I've decided to transition to vegetarian and eventually vegan. I definitely haven't always felt that way.

She was saying that, as a big girl (and always being bigger), she was always told she was fat. By her father, by her grandmother, by random cruel people in the mall or walking down the street. After growing comfortable in her own skin (which, I don't believe to be true, and I'll tell you why later), when anyone says "YOU SHOULDN'T EAT THIS!" or "YOU'RE GOING TO GET FAT IF YOU EAT THAT," it's an act of rebellion to eat whatever the hell you want to eat. I won't lie, I've been there, done that. I also know that after I'm done "eating whatever the hell I want," I feel like straight dog shit.

So instead of staying stagnant, I decided to do things that would make me feel better and healthier; in turn, those things will make me lose weight. Maybe not in a short period of time, but by creating better habits, I will be leaner in the long run. Instead of stopping at Dunkin Donuts for a coffee and a donut I've switched to oatmeal and an apple, paired with my own coffee and cream from home. Instead of a Whopper meal and a Coke at lunch, I've switched to salads and soup and sandwiches with vegetarian lunch meat, and TONS of water. I actually haven't had a soda in about a month now - that alone has changed a lot about the way I feel. To be honest, I'm afraid to drink soda anymore, lol.

Anywho, now on to why we never really feel completely comfortable in our own skin. We can say we love ourselves all day long, that we don't care what other people think about us, blah blah BLAH. But there is always something we want to change, and we DO care about what people think.  Why else do we conform to the new fashion styles?  I mean seriously, why in the HELL would anyone in their RIGHT mind wear those Marant moon shoe looking things?!?!  Anyway, it could be your hair, your nails, dry skin, arms, legs, flat ass, STOMACH. My mother is a size 2 and probably weighs 110 pounds soaking wet, and she has told me she hates it. Even thin people can feel self conscious. In a society where "Thin Is Beautiful", it's difficult as a chubbster to really be comfortable. We have TV telling us how we should look, magazines, newspapers, even the music industry. But nobody is telling anyone (in the media) how to just FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF. Instead of telling "bitches" to be a 36-24-36, how about tell women that they are all beautiful. Hell, it doesn't even have to just be aimed at women; but we are emotional creatures, it's a little harder for us to handle scrutiny.

So create better habits. You don't have to tackle everything at once. Start small and work your way up. I started by cutting out soda, and it was the best thing I've ever done.  Break out of the rebellion habit, it really isn't hurting anyone but YOU.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

girl scout boxes of thunder thighs

so, as you all know, it's girl scout cookie season.  you may or may not have a slew of coworkers with teeny tiny girl scouts prancing around with order forms.  "want some girl scout cookies?!?!  :D :D :D"  when i hear that......SON.......all i can think about is the sweet, gooey caramel covered in coconut flakes, toasted to perfection; then gently drizzeled with the nectar of the gods - chocolate.  *deep sigh*  so i order.....oh you know.....SEVEN EFFING BOXES.  yeah thats, right, SEVEN boxes of girl scout cookies (not all samoas, although they ARE my fave).  mind you, this was at the BE-GINNNN-NING of that point in time i was fighting the urge to join the "new years resolutioners" at the gym just on principle.  so, at this point, i'm feeling good about my contribution to the little people and the sugar induced coma that i was bound to emerge into.

HOWEVER....i can't have them anymore.  i need to get rid of these devil boxes.  they need to GO.  ASAPINGTON.  i'd say i have developed some pretty strong self discipline, but i still falter.  but who can resist a Savannah Smile or a Thank You Berry Munch??  Or even better, a SAMOA?!?

being that i've decided to transition to vegetarian, i'm not really sure what i can and can't eat anymore.  although my diet hasn't been super strict, i don't really want to mess this up.  i'll save the "this is why i decided to become a vegetarian" blog for later, bc i'm going into allllllllllll of the reasons.

any who, if anyone wants a box or seven, please let me know.  this is killing me, i want a cookie so bad lol.


steadily gaining 2 pounds an hour

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

instant gratification

the biggest obstacle people need to overcome is that they expect instant results. not only in weight-loss, but everything.  i mean, that is the American standard, isn't it?  instant gratification?  hmmm.  it actually is nice to get instant gratification, but it spoils us.  you don't want to cook?  go to mcdonald's (or panera, i actually like panera way better haha).  we want only one cup of coffee?  buy a keurig.  want to see your best friend in cali?  facetime (unless you have a droid in, which case BYE).  people don't even buy books as much anymore, now that we have the iPad, Kindle, and Nook.  patience is no longer a virtue; trust, i am just as guilty as the next person.  but i don't want to be that way.  i don't mind sitting in traffic, unless i have zero gas.  i love getting film developed from my manual SLR.  shit, i've even decided i don't want to know the sex of my baby until delivery when (and if ) i ever have children.

with that said, i've started paying attention to my response to my healthier lifestyle.  i started noticing that i wake up every morning, lift up my shirt, and see if i've gotten skinnier   -_-   but on a more serious note, i've noticed that i don't feel like a bag of flaming shit every morning when i wake up.  i've noticed that i'm all around happier.  i've really had to take a step back and take a look at things from all angles.

i've also taken on the mantra "accept what is".  think about it…if, in every situation you encounter, you just thought to yourself "accept what is, it is neither good nor bad," you would start to see things for WHAT THEY TRULY ARE.  someone is rude to you in the tampon aisle?  "accept what is, their rudeness doesn't affect me, they will have to live with that."  your boss shits on you (figuratively, of course) at work?  "accept what is, they will have to live with the karma that will come around and kick them in the ass,  not me."  it's really interesting what you'll see if you start to practice accepting things for what they are.  you'll noticing your mood will stay at a pretty steady level of AWESOME.  your tolerance for stupidity will heighten.  and your patience will grow.

the beginning of something that i most likely won't finish because of who i am as a person

let me start this thing off by saying i am in no way a gym rat, a fitness freak, or a health freak (yet).  most of the information i can provide you is from personal experience, and if it doesn't help you in your goals, i hope that i can at least make you laugh.

about 2 and a half years ago, i left my ex-husband (i won't go into detail until waaaaay down the road, as to save you from boredom and/or pity).  the moment he spoke those unforgettable words, my entire being went into both an overdrive of some sort, and a stagnant state (AT THE SAME.  DAMN.  TIME.).  the amount of crazy that was bouncing back and forth between my brain and heart was just....astronomical; but at the same time, i did not want to do ANYTHING.  i had no desire to do anything but sit on my bed, bawl my freaking eyes out, and say "Why meeeeeeeeeee???!?!" out loud every so often.  i actually went 8 days without eating.  yeah, tell me about it.  and don't you dare judge me, my nerves were so shot i'm surprised i didn't go completely crazy.  but that was the beginning of my weight-loss journey.

as terrible as it sounds, it was the very thing that motivated me to make better decisions with what i put in my body.  now, don't get me wrong, i have eaten the fattiest foods ever (well, not ever, i still haven't had a Luther Burger), but i don't indulge as much anymore.  actually, i still have my days, but they are so few and far between now that i can call them cheat days. 

during that first 8 days, i dropped 25 pounds.  crazy huh?  of course, most of it was water weight, but i liked the results that i saw.  instant gratification.  so i joined a gym.  One Life.  SN - WHY do gyms charge such outrageous start up fees?  ugh!  anyway.  i started being a little more conscious of what i put in my mouth.  within the first 8  months, i had probably dropped, oooooooooooh, about 30 pounds?  sounds about right. it was GLORIOUS.  i was able to wear things i hadn't worn in years.  i was getting so much attention (which was not a good thing, i'll explain why in a sec).  but i still didn't love myself.  i had been beat down so much (verbally, emotionally, and mentally), that i literally hated myself.  i wasn't losing fast enough.  my clothes were fitting weird.  i was in between sizes.  the list goes on and on.  i sought acceptance from others to try to build self that i could accept myself (told ya).  terrible.  that's probably one of the worst things i (or anyone else, for that matter) could have ever done.

anyway, time went on, i dealt with all of my SHIT...i grew (mentally, spiritually).  my mind has opened up to so many different things, i am just...astounded by my progress.  i hope you enjoy my journey from here on out :)  be ready though, this ride is bound to be a little blustery :)