Thursday, February 28, 2013

girl scout boxes of thunder thighs

so, as you all know, it's girl scout cookie season.  you may or may not have a slew of coworkers with teeny tiny girl scouts prancing around with order forms.  "want some girl scout cookies?!?!  :D :D :D"  when i hear that......SON.......all i can think about is the sweet, gooey caramel covered in coconut flakes, toasted to perfection; then gently drizzeled with the nectar of the gods - chocolate.  *deep sigh*  so i order.....oh you know.....SEVEN EFFING BOXES.  yeah thats, right, SEVEN boxes of girl scout cookies (not all samoas, although they ARE my fave).  mind you, this was at the BE-GINNNN-NING of that point in time i was fighting the urge to join the "new years resolutioners" at the gym just on principle.  so, at this point, i'm feeling good about my contribution to the little people and the sugar induced coma that i was bound to emerge into.

HOWEVER....i can't have them anymore.  i need to get rid of these devil boxes.  they need to GO.  ASAPINGTON.  i'd say i have developed some pretty strong self discipline, but i still falter.  but who can resist a Savannah Smile or a Thank You Berry Munch??  Or even better, a SAMOA?!?

being that i've decided to transition to vegetarian, i'm not really sure what i can and can't eat anymore.  although my diet hasn't been super strict, i don't really want to mess this up.  i'll save the "this is why i decided to become a vegetarian" blog for later, bc i'm going into allllllllllll of the reasons.

any who, if anyone wants a box or seven, please let me know.  this is killing me, i want a cookie so bad lol.


steadily gaining 2 pounds an hour

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

instant gratification

the biggest obstacle people need to overcome is that they expect instant results. not only in weight-loss, but everything.  i mean, that is the American standard, isn't it?  instant gratification?  hmmm.  it actually is nice to get instant gratification, but it spoils us.  you don't want to cook?  go to mcdonald's (or panera, i actually like panera way better haha).  we want only one cup of coffee?  buy a keurig.  want to see your best friend in cali?  facetime (unless you have a droid in, which case BYE).  people don't even buy books as much anymore, now that we have the iPad, Kindle, and Nook.  patience is no longer a virtue; trust, i am just as guilty as the next person.  but i don't want to be that way.  i don't mind sitting in traffic, unless i have zero gas.  i love getting film developed from my manual SLR.  shit, i've even decided i don't want to know the sex of my baby until delivery when (and if ) i ever have children.

with that said, i've started paying attention to my response to my healthier lifestyle.  i started noticing that i wake up every morning, lift up my shirt, and see if i've gotten skinnier   -_-   but on a more serious note, i've noticed that i don't feel like a bag of flaming shit every morning when i wake up.  i've noticed that i'm all around happier.  i've really had to take a step back and take a look at things from all angles.

i've also taken on the mantra "accept what is".  think about it…if, in every situation you encounter, you just thought to yourself "accept what is, it is neither good nor bad," you would start to see things for WHAT THEY TRULY ARE.  someone is rude to you in the tampon aisle?  "accept what is, their rudeness doesn't affect me, they will have to live with that."  your boss shits on you (figuratively, of course) at work?  "accept what is, they will have to live with the karma that will come around and kick them in the ass,  not me."  it's really interesting what you'll see if you start to practice accepting things for what they are.  you'll noticing your mood will stay at a pretty steady level of AWESOME.  your tolerance for stupidity will heighten.  and your patience will grow.

the beginning of something that i most likely won't finish because of who i am as a person

let me start this thing off by saying i am in no way a gym rat, a fitness freak, or a health freak (yet).  most of the information i can provide you is from personal experience, and if it doesn't help you in your goals, i hope that i can at least make you laugh.

about 2 and a half years ago, i left my ex-husband (i won't go into detail until waaaaay down the road, as to save you from boredom and/or pity).  the moment he spoke those unforgettable words, my entire being went into both an overdrive of some sort, and a stagnant state (AT THE SAME.  DAMN.  TIME.).  the amount of crazy that was bouncing back and forth between my brain and heart was just....astronomical; but at the same time, i did not want to do ANYTHING.  i had no desire to do anything but sit on my bed, bawl my freaking eyes out, and say "Why meeeeeeeeeee???!?!" out loud every so often.  i actually went 8 days without eating.  yeah, tell me about it.  and don't you dare judge me, my nerves were so shot i'm surprised i didn't go completely crazy.  but that was the beginning of my weight-loss journey.

as terrible as it sounds, it was the very thing that motivated me to make better decisions with what i put in my body.  now, don't get me wrong, i have eaten the fattiest foods ever (well, not ever, i still haven't had a Luther Burger), but i don't indulge as much anymore.  actually, i still have my days, but they are so few and far between now that i can call them cheat days. 

during that first 8 days, i dropped 25 pounds.  crazy huh?  of course, most of it was water weight, but i liked the results that i saw.  instant gratification.  so i joined a gym.  One Life.  SN - WHY do gyms charge such outrageous start up fees?  ugh!  anyway.  i started being a little more conscious of what i put in my mouth.  within the first 8  months, i had probably dropped, oooooooooooh, about 30 pounds?  sounds about right. it was GLORIOUS.  i was able to wear things i hadn't worn in years.  i was getting so much attention (which was not a good thing, i'll explain why in a sec).  but i still didn't love myself.  i had been beat down so much (verbally, emotionally, and mentally), that i literally hated myself.  i wasn't losing fast enough.  my clothes were fitting weird.  i was in between sizes.  the list goes on and on.  i sought acceptance from others to try to build self that i could accept myself (told ya).  terrible.  that's probably one of the worst things i (or anyone else, for that matter) could have ever done.

anyway, time went on, i dealt with all of my SHIT...i grew (mentally, spiritually).  my mind has opened up to so many different things, i am just...astounded by my progress.  i hope you enjoy my journey from here on out :)  be ready though, this ride is bound to be a little blustery :)